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Keep playing even if you can't

Posted on May 31, 2020 at 9:05 AM Comments comments (7003)
CoVid-19 has placed a damper on our young players, nowhere to field, hit or throw.  Please players get creative use your out door steps with a sponge ball like I was a kid.  I used a brick wall and steps made pretend games in my mind.  Kids get creative ask your mom or dad, sister or brother, uncle an ant to play catch.  Hit off a tee.  This is a temporary phase in our life.  We will be back on the field soon.  Heads up and always moving forward.  Dream Big.....Play Hard.

NJ college baseball players wanted for 2020 ABCCL Bombers

Posted on December 22, 2019 at 1:17 PM Comments comments (9)
Sign up now if you're a roster college baseball player who wants to compete and extend their college season into summer.  DiMaggio Bombers is a college team managed and coached by college coaches. Bombers entering its 6th season playing in the ABCCL with 12 teams covering Norther, Western, Central and South New Jersey.

Register Now.