DiMaggio Baseball
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Keep playing even if you can't
Posted on May 31, 2020 at 9:05 AM | comments (6892) |
CoVid-19 has placed a damper on our young players, nowhere to field, hit or throw. Please players get creative use your out door steps with a sponge ball like I was a kid. I used a brick wall and steps made pretend games in my mind. Kids get creative ask your mom or dad, sister or brother, uncle an ant to play catch. Hit off a tee. This is a temporary phase in our life. We will be back on the field soon. Heads up and always moving forward. Dream Big.....Play Hard. |
Clippers Baseball Try OUts
Posted on January 20, 2014 at 10:45 AM | comments (3) |
Clippers Baseball is hosting try outs every Saturday until March 1, 2014 located at 200 New Vernon Rd, Gillette, NJ. go to www.dimaggiosposrts.com to register |