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Baseball & Softball Lessons

Baseball Instructions

Private or group lessons

Call 201-213-8504 for lessons.

Pitching .....1/2hr.....$55.00

Package of 11 lessons.....$450.00 (1/2hr)

Batting.....1/2 .....$55.00


Group Lessons: 3 or more $30.00 for each player .....1 hr session

Pitching lessons offered by Coach DiMaggio (former player and college coach)

Click on Coach DiMaggio's photo to be

directed to the player profile tab.

Lessons offered at 3 locations:

Epic Sports at 1 Bay St, Stirling NJ

Advanced Baseball, 318 Fairfield Rd, Fairfield NJ

Extra Innings at 23 Leslie Ct, Whippany, NJ

Call 201-213-8504

[email protected]

Sign up Now for 2020 summer club Clippers

Our teams practice, play weekday games and play on weekends at college scouted tournaments.

14-18U Clippers Teams