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About Us

DiMaggio's Sports (DS) is the parent company to DiMaggio Baseball Clippers & Bombers Baseball led by President/GM Edward DiMaggio. Ed is an experienced baseball coach at many different levels from little league to a professional level.

Edward DiMaggio is the founder and operator who has over 30 years of baseball experience at all levels. Ed coaching experience covers high school and college coaching experience. Ed served as pitching coach/head assistant at Drew University 2006-2012 and at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ

Coach DiMaggio was selected as the 2012 NCAA pitching coach in the Landmark while coaching with Drew University (2006-2012). As the head coach for Oratory Prep Coach DiMaggio led the OP Rams into some major upsets in the Union County Baseball tournament upsetting top seated Scotch Plains HS in advancing the Rams into the State playoffs. Coach DiMaggio has joined the FDU Florham campus Knights. It was in 2006 that Ed worked with the Newark Bears Professional Baseball team as an assistant bench coach and baseball camp director for children. Coach DiMaggio has worked closely building strong ties on and off the field with many MLB professionals for baseball camps for players ranging from ages 13-19 years old. To name some of the professionals Ed was worked with: Pat Zarchy (NY Mets & Cin Reds ) 1976 ROY, Len Randle, NY Mets, Texas Ranger (1st pick in the MLB Draft), Al Leiter, NY Mets & NY Yankees, John Montefusco., The Count ( SF Giants and NY Yankees) 1975 ROY,

September 29, the Count threw a vs. Atlanta Braves. Dave Eland pitching coach for the NY Yankees and KC Royals. Rick Petersen, former NY Mets Pitching Coach and more. Ed was a former outfielder and pitcher for Wildcats of Northwestern University

leading the team with a 563 BA.

Mission & Philosophy

Our mission is to provide athletes of all ages with the correct information, necessary to reach their highest goals, provided in a motivational, safe, and respectful environment.


Athletic development is an ongoing process of understanding and learning, physical maturation, physiological, psychological, motor, and cognitive development.

Athletic coaches and the modern athletic performance specialist must understand the progressive development of these attributes in each learning style.

DiMaggio's Sports understands the development of each athlete is dependent upon many factors, not least of which is the guidance of the athletic performance professional in determining the path each athlete should follow in their training is our fundamental philosophy that sports should be fun.

We will provide a safe, fun environment and personal development. It is our ultimate goal to make your experience more enjoyable.


36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940


Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PMSat: 10AM - 5PMSun: 10AM-5PM