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Your information has been submitted successfully. There was an error submitting the form.         Clippers Baseball Team Sign Up    Name    Include your email:    Phone number    Primary position    Secondary position    What age group are you interested in?  14U 16U 17/18U Scout Team    High School team            So far we are playing in the following tournaments:   Scout tourneys are list below.  2014Tournament Schedule Clippers Club Team 14-16U Team plays in league games during week.    Ocean County Hit & Run Baseball Tournament16U Wood BatJune 20-22,2014 In the Net Summer Fun Fest (15U/16U)Palmyra, PA June 28-29 Richmond County, Staten Island, NY16U Mid Summer Classic   July 11-13 Rose City Slugfest VI  Madison NJ16U Elite 12July 19-20, 2014 Misericordia University - Mid Atlantic Super Select7/24/2014 - 7/27/201416U Clippers Baseball    Clippers Scout Team  Team plays in league games during week.  North Wall College Exposure Tournament 18UNorth Wall, NJJune 13-15. Diamond Nation Super 17 Wood Bat Invitational June 24-27Bracket 3 PG Super25 17u Northeast Super RegionalMaplezone Sports Institute - Boothwyn, PA 6/30/2014 -7/2/2014.July Summit Blast 18UJuly 5 & 6, 2014Summit, NJ Wright State University/UDayton - Best of Midwest7/10/2014 - 7/13/201417U (Clippers Baseball)Ed "FAA" Ford Baseball  Tournament 17/18ULinden, NJ7/19/2014-7/20/2014 Rider University - Mid-Atlantic Super Select7//24/2014 - 7/27/2014. 17U (Clippers Baseball) Rose City 17/18U Elite 12 Slugfest (VI)August 1-3, 2014Drew University, Madison, NJ COACHES Manager : Ed DiMaggioprofessional playing experience , former Drew University  Top Assistant Coach, Head Pitching Coach,  Associate Scout for Baltimore Orioles , current Head Varsity Baseball Coach, Oratory Prep HS Coach: Dave KaplowFormer Drew University Assistant Coach & DU Player, former Oratory Prep HS Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach,current Head Baseball Varsity Coach at Cardinal McCarrick High School, current Head Coach Clippers Scout team. Coach: Matt SommoCollege baseball  experience and former Raritian Valley Head Coach , former Drew University Assistant Coach & played at William Paterson College , Current Head JV Baseball Coach  Coach: Matt McGrathCollege playing experience, Drew University MVP, Old Tappan HS Assistant Coach, current Clippers Assistant Coach SCout team coach. Coach: Silno GarciaCollege playing experience, Oratory Prep Varsity Assistant Coach, former Falcon Baseball Coach & current 16U Clippers Baseball Coach         Driving Directions                    Home | About Us | RoseCitySlugfest  | PAYMENT | 2014 Winter Work Outs  | CLIPPERS Registration  | Registration Application | Sponors | MLB Scouts -DST | Guest Book Sigh In | 2014 Clippers Calendar  | 2014 ROSE CITY STANDINGS         Website Builder provided by Vistaprint       MapQuest Terms and Conditions Maps/Directions are informational only. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest, Vistaprint, and their suppliers make no representations or warranties about content, road conditions, route usability, or speed.     createInteractiveMap('_fba478514fac46a29509594b01ce5f8b', 40.72399, -74.370009, 0.541871921182266, 250, 250, 'LCW16-MA055-2U9', false);